Environment, social and governance
Environment, social and governance

At Pulsant we take our responsibilities to our clients, our people, our investors and the wider community seriously.
Everything we do in support of corporate governance and sustainable business practices is aligned to our core values. These inform us to act responsibly for our clients, our people, our suppliers, and every single stakeholder in our business.
Ensuring that we meet the necessary security, service availability, compliance and quality of support requirements is at the heart of what we do.
We align with internationally recognised standards on quality, environment, energy management and information security and are accredited against them. But our ethical obligations are important too, as is the imperative of working towards a Sustainable planet to protect our resources for future generations.
Further information on our impacts and approach is published annually:
Pulsant acknowledges the current and emerging challenges in relation to climate change, biodiversity and pollution. We strive to care for and protect the places and natural resources that we depend upon. As the UK's leading digital edge infrastructure company, we play a key role in helping clients cut their emissions and minimise their carbon footprint through the use of our colocation and cloud services.
We evaluate our environmental aspects and impacts across a range of elements, and the top of the list is our power consumption. To mitigate this, we are working hard to ensure all our operations run at high levels of power efficiency, so we can minimise our carbon footprint and, at the same time, ensure the services we deliver to our clients remain cost-effective.
We are transparent about what we are doing to support our sustainability commitments and report against our progress through our annual public ESG report.
Our Environmental Sustainability Commitments
We have defined the following set of commitments as a framework for our objectives and future disclosures. We are committed to achieve Net Zero by 2050 as defined by the Science-Based Target’s initiative Net Zero Standard, including through:
- Pulsant commits to achieve Net Zero by 2050 at the very latest in accordance with Science Based Targets initiative’s Net Zero Standard, which means
- Reducing our carbon emissions across all scopes by 50% by 2030 on an absolute basis from a 2019 baseline,
- Then continue to drive reductions across all scopes to achieve at least 90% reduction by 2050 and balance any remainder though supporting carbon removals.
- Meet or exceed the annual PUE target of 1.3 by 2030.
- Fully and transparently manage the lifecycle impact of each product and service by 2025.
- Offset 100% of our scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions through certified, good quality projects.
- Maintain our supply of 100% renewable electricity. In addition, actively exercise our buying power to support sustainable UK grid infrastructure and innovative power technologies.
Value Chain:
- Make resource efficiency, disposal and carbon impact key considerations in procurement, and be an active participant in the circular economy.
- Together, make a positive difference to our environment and challenge ourselves to come up with creative solutions and outcomes to achieve enhanced sustainability.
- Hold ourselves accountable for meeting our environmental commitments. Deliver accountability through progressive improvement of our ISO14001-accredited management system and transparency of reporting.
Wellbeing and safety
Our Values framework reflects how we want to work together in order to continue to build an even better place to work and deliver great service to our clients. We believe that actively supporting the wellbeing and happiness of our people is critical to our success and we provide them with a comprehensive wellbeing programme that covers physical as well as mental health. Aligned to this, we have a comprehensive Health and Safety programme to keep our people and everybody who works with us safe.
Diversity and inclusion
We are committed to providing equal opportunities in employment and to avoiding unlawful discrimination in employment and against clients. Ensuring Pulsant is a welcome place to be, where everyone feels they can be themselves and they are supported and treated fairly is something that is very important to us.
Training and development
We manage our induction program to embed a warm welcome and strong initial understanding of Pulsant’s values and the fundamental policies that support them. Ongoing development is managed at an organisation and individual level, through periodic performance appraisals, role-specific needs, and annual awareness programmes.
Our wider community
Thanks to our UK-wider coverage, we provide employment opportunities across the UK, in particular in our larger clusters in the North-East of England and Scotland. As part of our Giving Something Back programme, our people have the opportunity to spend two paid days per year working for their favourite charity. We also contribute to worthy causes with a number of activities organised by our people or central team, with the company matching donations in many cases.
Combatting modern slavery in our supply chain
We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and our supply chain. We are fully committed to acting with integrity and ethically in all business relationships. We recognise our responsibility as a business to promote just and equitable treatment of people within our supply chain and ensure that there is no business involvement in modern slavery, either directly through our own operations or indirectly by association through the supply chain.
See below for our most recent published Modern Slavery Act Statements:
The Pulsant Board includes independent experts in their respective fields with extensive leadership experience across several company boards. The CEO is ultimately accountable and responsible for Health & Safety, Quality, Environmental, energy management and Security performance across the business. They are supported in this by an Executive Leadership team and a supporting governance framework covering the key business areas.
For current profiles of the Executive Leadership Team please visit: Meet the Team
Our ISO 9001, 14001, 27001 and 50001 certified Integrated Management System guides us on the standards against which we measure ourselves. Expectations of company standards and behaviours of the Pulsant team and partners are clearly set out in a set of company policies which are maintained and reviewed regularly to ensure that all legal and regulatory requirements are incorporated.
Risk management
We operate a company-wide risk management programme that incorporates regular reviews of changes to the external business context, as well as internal performance data to ensure risks to the business are identified and required action plans agreed and put in place.
Protecting data and information
Protecting our clients and our own data and information is a key component of the service we provide. We have in place physical and cyber security controls to protect our sites and our services, which are regularly assessed as part of our integrated management system and aligned with ISO 27001, PCI-DSS physical security controls and NIST cybersecurity framework.