EDF sought to ensure its contact centre based at Doxford could continue to operate in the event the site or systems on the site became unavailable. Any downtime in service must be avoided as it could cause disruption for customers and increase demand on the remaining sites.
Pulsant solution
EDF engaged Pulsant to provide and regularly test a 260-seat workplace recovery service in Gateshead. This is for some of its contact centre staff to use in the event that its own premises are unavailable or inaccessible, ensuring customers are always able to get in touch. The workplace recovery solution meets both EDF’s regulatory and business requirements and demonstrates the company’s commitment to delivering outstanding customer experience.
Pulsant’s workplace recovery service ensures the high availability of EDF’s contact centre infrastructure in the event of disruption. EDF knows it has the ability to be back up and
running at Pulsant’s workplace recovery site within four hours due to the rigorous testing the organisation has undertaken.