Published 27 Jan 2021

Pulsant provide colocation services and ensures resilience for Magrathea

By, Pulsant

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Magrathea needed to find a new provider of colocation services when it became necessary to move part of the firm’s network out of one of its data centre sites. The organisation also required additional resiliency for its telephony network in order to prevent the possibility of any downtime, which could seriously harm the business.

Pulsant solution
Pulsant now provides Magrathea with three colocation racks in its ‘Pulsant 2’ Maidenhead-based data centre, providing dual feed capability to achieve enhanced resilience and prevent the possibility of any downtime.

Magrathea’s network is now highly resilient with various links between data centres. It is now constantly working to make further improvements so that calls remain uninterrupted.